Tuesday 15 October 2013

life as it is

So many things has happen and yet so little has happened. 

Life as it is has been a journey less taken. From realising that pre cancer cells existed in me. 

We are lucky to have such an awesome little girl that makes it much more meaningful to go on and to be strong together as a couple and to appreciate each passing moment. Her laughter and gazes upon us gives sparkles and goose bumps to tears to our eyes.

The past month has certainly took it's toll on me and my realisation for what I should be writing for this blog. The journey started but got stopped thus far. I need to carry on and talk the walk, not thinking of the 'walk'

Little Luli is asleep, oblivious of what is actually happening. Her innocence is our strength. 

Luli:15 Months tomorrow 16th Oct 2013  

Monday 16 September 2013

Hello!!! I ♥ STATIONERY too


"Pens, papers, and all the rest. Some things are technically not stationery, but they're related so whatever."
~I  Stationery

The work here is simply inspirational. Simplicity and kind. Innocent with killer innovations.
It inspires me to do works likes this. Not only stationeries but everything that may be related in the littlest way with ideas and executions that are superb. The stationeries are to die for too. I am a person who goes crazy when I am in a stationery shop. I have too many pens, far more for my own good. I have pens that I do not need. But the feeling of having it is just irresistible. Pens, paper....art...creation..there are a team.

Visit their website for more amazing work.  

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Little black book

What is in my little black book?
A place where i play.
A place of solace?
A place to hide my thoughts.
Inside is where i dwindle and sketch nonsense. Things that i think that do not mean anything but somehow does. Maybe it does not make any sense but somehow it relates to me unconsciously. I am afraid to open my thoughts to people. Most parts too afraid to know what people think.
Judgement! It is the worst critic. Been procrastinating on uploading up photos and have not had any new sketches. But heck no, actually i have had all the sketches from before and will post them up in no particular order and no particular reason why. I guess because i can and i should.

Having a motivation to do so is good.
For me it was Luli, little cheeky monkey boo.
My little french chinese
bundle of magic.

Not much of sketches at this point, just realise that i do need to pump up on the doodles and sketches to find my style. Luli, my darling daughter gave me inspiration to reserve something for her for when she is all grown up. It is true what they say about growing your child...you somehow love them instantly.

Font discovery and writing what is dear to the heart. Little sketches here and there.

~ Presenting Gabrielle LULI Sautarel ~

And sketches from my little black (secret book) ;)

* My overly cluttered closet and this is only a sneak peek. Its not even opened to its' fullest. 

The sketches continues, will upload more once i get the chance to. The cheeky monkey is really clingy and it is hard to work by day...so night shift is inevitable. Here is her little fingers trying to get hold of the black book. 


Tuesday 3 September 2013


...in the night so blue

Sometimes falling asleep is hard. At best for me, it takes at least thirty minutes to fall asleep. What best way to fall asleep faster is to imagine myself as 'A Thing'. Be it a rock, an egg underneath a hen..all nice and warm...to a coat of paint undisturbed. Just a few illustration quickie from all the imagination done in bed recently. Some people are just fast sleepers... for those that are not, happy imagining.

Well well Mr.Booger. It isn't a pretty sight but its a delight. All so sticky and not in sight, sleeping quietly in the night. I think it is true enough that they tend to be forgotten..true story. Sleep tight!!

A sledge hammer, so heavy and so lazy. It is the idea of the husband who in fact takes minutes to fall asleep..make that seconds. I do not know how some people can do that, it is amazing. It takes me at least thirty minutes to fall asleep. Sleep tight Sledge Hammer.

A Star Fish, tucked away deep on the ocean floor, in the night, beneath the moonlight. Calm down below...so glued to the ground and so sure there would be no one to bother me.

A ball of lettuce..far away in the corner end of the garden, no one disturbing. Perfect night, leafs all flat on the ground. *splat* Good night world. Its time to go think of more.

The unconventional way to a better sleep.

Good Night/Bonne Nuit 

Friday 30 August 2013

Life on a Carrousel: Enchantée world!

Life on a Carrousel: Enchantée world!: Here goes! In the name of blogging, its an end of thinking and the beginning of doing. Hope to pour out some creative juice and really do ...

Sunday 25 August 2013


Mìng~Life in Chinese. Sustainability in containing oneselves (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life)

An acquaintance commented when we were about to have our first child...
"Good luck bringing a child up in this not so innocent world." 

My life has changed through the years from studying in college for my Bachelor in Arts & Design, then flying around the world to becoming a mother in the span of eight years does make me realise that life with each passing day is redefined and changes. I often had to eat my words back upon re-discovering things that I thought i knew. 

I told myself that I would continue my design process, doing design in those years when I was in the airlines but unfortunately..I did not. All because I was too caught up in discovering my new life and enjoying the world. Well, no one would or could blame me. 

So I am now simply starting a new phase in my life with my new found family. My loving husband and my daughter who just turned one as I see her growing and discovering the world. With each pause to study each leaf, each pebble, the birds and feeling different textured. Pausing to feel the breeze. 

I want to re-discover the world the world too. As we all ever so often take it for granted.
Watch my design adventure go through a rebirth hopefully as well. :) and pick up chinese language as well..thus explains this post. 

Mìng for Life. The simplicity of this graphic form but the complexity of it's meaning.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Enchantée world!

Here goes! In the name of blogging, its an end of thinking and the beginning of doing. Hope to pour out some creative juice and really do something that i am passionate and love about. The arts, photography and my very own family. Life on a Carrousel!